CBD Vape Juice & Products in Exton, PA

Exton, PA’s premier Vape Products Supplier Shop

Image of Deep Six CBD Online Store Exton, PA
Deep Six provides CBD Vape products to residents living within Exton, Pennsylvania. Exton is only 15 minutes from our main location in King of Prussia and about 10 minutes from our West Chester location. Our products provide a variety of benefits to our customers. Exton is a small town with many shops including Main Street shops and the Exton Square Mall. The area continues to grow with more opportunity, pulling in new residents and helping us to grow our business. Established in 2013 as a small vape shop, we’ve grown to meet the increasing wants and needs of our community and customers in our ongoing mission to provide high-quality vapor and CBD products available to the public. Times change, minds change, and the story of our beginnings is no exception to this. Our business was started by a former beat cop from a high crime area; a US Air Force veteran who liked to take chances and had some time on his hands. Early in his police career, he had realized that the usual “Cannabis is bad. Hemp is bad. No exceptions.” line was excessive, but the Feds had spoken – the boat could not be rocked.

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