3Chi Flavored CBD Cartridge

Relieve stress, calm anxiety, and rock some absolutely stellar flavors in these flavored CBD cartridges.

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3Chi Flavored CBD Cartridge

Want to combine the best of both worlds: cannabinoids’ stress-relief, anxiety-calming, pain-relieving body sensations with a set of flavors that will keep your palate standing at attention and waiting for that next blissfully flavorful inhale?

These broad-spectrum cartridges represent some of finest, most popular CBD options that we offer. 3Chi’s proven quality of product presenting broad-spectrum cartridges in flavors like Watermelon, Mango, Berry Crunch, and more? That’s a match made in Heaven, but with no matches or lighters required. Just attach these to any standard 510 vape battery, carry it with you through your day, and enjoy discreet, flavorful hits while you watch those spikes of anxiety level off.

200+mg Cannabinoid


Additional information

Flavor & Strength

Peppermint Candy 250mg, Swedish Gummies 250mg, Cotton Candy 250mg, Watermelon 250mg, Grape 250mg, Pineapple 250mg, Berry Crunch 250mg, Mango 200mg, Blue Raspberry 200mg, Pineapple 200mg, Swedish Gummies 200mg, Grape 200mg





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