By now you have heard all of the “facts” and “cautionary tales” of CBD use, and like most of us you’re probably more than a little curious and confused. In this blog I will break down the steps and discoveries that lead me to try CBD.
To get started I would strongly recommend a little self-diagnosis.
- What exactly are you trying to treat and on what level? Anxiety? Chronic Pain? Stress? Depression? A combination of any or all?
- When do you feel these things the most?
- What are some triggers? Are any of those triggers avoidable?
- What’s my tolerance to prescribed or over the counter medication?
*Disclaimer: When in doubt always seek the advice of a medical professional*
Once you have a better idea of what your CBD needs are, then it will be time to do a little homework. I’ve created a little cheat sheet for some commonly asked questions:
The Cheat Sheet
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring compound found in the resinous flower of the cannabis plant. Scientists and Doctors all over the world are testing and confirming the therapeutic properties of CBD that endow the plant with its vigorous therapeutic profile.
Is CBD Addictive? Will I get high?
CBD (Cannabidiol) is a safe, non-addictive substance and one of more than a hundred “phytocannabinoids,” which are unique to cannabis.
CBD is closely related to another important medicinally active phytocannabinoid: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound that causes the high that cannabis is famous for. These are the two components of cannabis that have been most studied by scientists.
Both CBD and THC have significant therapeutic attributes. But unlike THC, CBD does not make a person feel “high/stoned” or intoxicated.
(Graphic courtesy of
Where can I get CBD?
When entering into the world of CBD it’s important to know who you’re buying from and who is supplying them. One place I would highly recommend is Deep Six CBD (See link). Deep Six CBD has been on the forefront of the CBD movement/trend. Customers can expect to get the highest quality products from trusted and vetted sources. The staff both online and in store have been more than helpful in answering all of my questions, but regardless of who you choose to help fulfill your CBD needs, it is paramount you find a place and a staff that you trust. Always remember whatever you buy is going in your body, whomever you choose to purchase from should have your best health interest in mind, whether or not it leads to a sale.
What are some CBD products?
There are many ways to imbibe CBD; always go with the product you are most comfortable with. For example, if you do not smoke or vape, then a vaporized CBD product will not be right for you. Ask for more information about products that claim to provide a purer or faster reaction. Please consult with your trusted CBD retailer for potency recommendations and dosage information.
CDB Tinctures are fast-acting, highly potent, and one the most popular & effective ways to use CBD oil and enjoy its benefits. Whether dropped under the tongue (sublingual application) or mixed with a food or drink, customers have found that tinctures are fast, effective, and a great way to track and adjust their personal CBD tincture dosage.
CBD edibles for stress, anxiety, or relaxation just make sense. Chemically, sugar makes us happy by lighting up the pleasure centers of the brain, and when combined with CBD they are guaranteed to enhance your mood. Edibles come in the form of cookies, gummies and hard candies, with new products being released almost every day.
CBD Topicals come in the form of creams, roll-ons, lotions, bath bombs, and soaps. These products can be applied directly to any site of pain, or used to enhance a relaxing bath time experience.
(This method is recommended if you already smoke or vape)
CBD Vape comes in the form of disposable cartridges, vape pens, and “Juul” pods.
These products are available in a variety of flavors and dosages.
(This method is recommended if you already smoke or vape)
All-natural CBD Bud, dusted with its own CBD kief to provide an ultra-high dosage of cannabidiol in a much smaller package. It’s potent, and it’s the absolute best way to provide the most cannabidiol in the smallest amount of bud.
In closing I want to add, that in my quest to find a more natural way to deal with my day to day stress and anxiety. I opted for a CBD tincture because it’s fast-acting and it gives me more control of my dosage. I really appreciate its flexibility. I hope that in your journey into the world of CBD you discover what is right for you.